For entire or meromorphic function f,a value θ∈[0,2π)is called a Julia limiting direction if there is an unbounded se......
德国的90后,叫的最多的名字可能是尤利娅·米勒(Julia Müller)或是扬·施密特(Jan Schmidt)。而对于出生在2010后的新生儿,德国父......
In this paper, we prove that two rational maps with the Cantor Julia sets are quasicon- formally conjugate if they are t......
By means of a nested sequence of some critical pieces constructed by Kozlovski, Shen, and van Strien, and by using a cov......
The sets of the points corresponding to the phase transitions of the Potts model on the diamondhierarchical lattice for ......
For a sequence (cn) of complex numbers, the quadratic polynomials fcn:= z2 + cn and thesequence (Fn) of iterates Fn: = f......
We study a conformal measure for an infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomial. We prove that the conformal measure ......
We study the quasisymmetric geometry of the Julia sets of McMullen maps fλ(z)=z^m+λ/ze, where λ∈C\{0}and g and m ax......
For rational functions it is proved that the Julia set contains buried components whenever the Julia set is disconnected......
Unit 5 The silver screenrnⅠ.Speaking rnTask 1 Who is Julia Roberts?rn1.Your partner and you will get a card with the in......
Eric和Julia是一对怎么看都不会让人觉得有夫妻相的夫妇,可是他们却偏偏在一起和谐地生活了好几年,并且有了两个孩子。 Julia是一......
朱丽亚·哈特维格(Julia Hartwig,1921~),波兰著名女诗人.1921年出生于卢布林,早年分别在华沙、克拉科夫和巴黎学习波兰和法国文学.......
2010年6月24日,朱莉娅.吉拉德(Julia Gil-lard)通过党内选举取代时任总理陆克文(Kevin Rudd),出任澳大利亚执政党工党党首、联邦第......
This paper analysed The Sound and the Fury with the theory of intertextuality, with the aim of going back tointersubject......
封面、封底的美丽图形是近几年来崛起的分形几何学与计算机图学巧妙结合的结果。这些复杂图形来自一个简单得出奇的迭代公式: Z_(n......
Julia Monk美国鲍尔州立大学建筑学以及环境科学学士,纽约州及伊利诺伊州注册建筑师、室内设计师。原BBG-BBGM创始人及董事长,现任......
主要研究了涉及重整化变换的一族有理函数 Tnλ Fatou 分支的拓扑性质。事实上,若 D 是有理函数Tnλ的任意1个 Fatou 分支,对任意的......
Let R(z) be an NCP map with buried components of degree d = degf ≥ 2 on the complex sphere ■, and HD denotes the Hausd......
The authors study a family of transcendental entire functions which lie outside the Eremenko-Lyubich class in general an......
We give heat kernel estimates on Julia sets J(fc) for quadratic polynomials fc(z) = z^2 + c for c in the main cardioid or the......